Of Coaches I have known…….

This may be the longest post I have ever written, but it is important.  I have been blessed in my life to have had the opportunity to meet some of the most impressive human beings on the planet in my humble opinion.  And tonight my thoughts go to two of them, one of which I have written about before.

The first is a high school teacher of mine, Marvin Wood.  He taught health, driver’s ed, and physical education.  He was also the basketball coach.  I was an ice hockey player and I was SHORT.  I never would have made the basketball team (I was VERY short), but Coach Wood was short too (my height).  He cared about his students, not in a patronizing way at all, when he spoke to you he was truly engaged, and he was one of the best teachers I have ever had or known.  And chances are, you may have some knowledge of him too.

You see, Coach Wood and his story was the inspiration for the movie “Hoosiers,” starring that little known actor Gene Hackman.  But unlike the movie, Coach Wood was not controversial.  He wasn’t in his 50’s, Milan High School was his first job out of college, and he never hit anyone.  He was just an all around first class guy.  And his belief in fundamentals not just won a State Championship (this is INDIANA….it is a BIG THING), but it taught me that any player can learn to be the “go to” player.  He affected my play as a hockey player and my coaching philosophy as well.  And, I had a pretty successful career in both.

The funny part was that we never knew he was that legend.  It clearly wasn’t important to him.  He cared about the people in his care, and not about glorifying himself.  THAT was a big lesson.  There are so many people who would wear that championship on their sleeve, and cash it in.  He never did.  I found out about what a legend he was when I had long graduated.  He always was focused upon the now.  AND, that was a valuable lesson.

I have coached for many years and I cannot even begin to tell you how he influenced me.  As a high school lacrosse coach we went to the Final Four in my second year and placed fifth in the state in my third.  I have now retired from coaching, but I will say I was influenced for sure. He died in 1999.

But that is the long way to tell you about the “other coach,” long time Notre Dame ice hockey coach, Coach Lefty Smith.  Lefty was the coach of the Fighting Irish at the time I was just beginning my playing career, and I was able to attend a few camps that he ran at Notre Dame.

What I can say is that I remember him vividly.  AND, what I will let you know is that too many camps I have been to in my life, in multiple sports, use players and assistants rather than the Coach.  But that was not so with Lefty.  I remember him being out on the ice with us, and I remember his instruction.  He was a legend, and yet at that age I had no stinking idea of how much I would love him.  Lefty died on January 3rd, yet I read that he graduated ALL 126 players that he coached during his career.  He was a man of INCREDIBLE integrity, and a giant in my young life.

A few years ago as a high school lacrosse coach I met his daughter, who was connected to St. Joseph’s High School in South Bend.  We had a LONG conversation about her dad.  I told her how much he meant to me, and asked her to pass that along.  I am sure she did,  It was very sincere too….he helped me to fall in love with the sport.  It continues to this day.

I learned of his death from a Facebook note from a friend.  She contacted me as her son is an ice hockey player as well and is now playing at Notre Dame!   She wanted me to know about Lefty dying on Tuesday.  I am eternally grateful.

You see, I learned a lot from him too.  And his impression on me made me want to be a better player, a better man, and later a better coach.

Coaches I have had throughout my life have molded me into the coach I am today.  And although I am not currently coaching, do not count me out.  I am only 50, and I have learned for legends…..at least to me.  And I DO intend to get back into the game.  After all, life full of adventure, and there is no better adventure than the game!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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