The blessings of amazing genes…..

A day of confessions…..

Although I have a permit to carry, Ben is not quite old enough, but he does carry at home.  He actually has two six-shooters, given to him by “Cowboy Grandpa,” bust most often he wears just one…..on his right.  Ironically my dad, who for purposes of clarification he sometimes calls “Hospital Grandpa,” (my dad had a pretty serious health scare well over a year ago, but it has stuck), but my dad gave him the shirt in the picture.

And all of it makes this picture kind of cool, because Amanda’s dad is indeed a real-life cowboy, and my dad was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York….making Ben the second generation born outside of Brooklyn.  But the DNA of coming from a family of New Yorkers (real ones too, not those stupid (w)rapping wannabes) PLUS the whole cowboy DNA thing, will make him a force to be reckoned with. His grandfathers are the “real McCoy” of two pretty amazing and revered stereotypes of our culture, so all this is to say that his madness will come naturally……actually, it already shows.  He just may end up being the kind of guy that Navy Seals and Special Ops guys are afraid of…..who knows?

What I can confess is that he is about 178% boy.  And, he is 100% mine.

All my kids have their (let’s call it “unique”) personality quirks, but I cannot imagine having a better “herd” (as my mom would say).  But in all truth YOU, as the reader of this, need to get to work…….you need to pray for their future spouses and children.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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