Preschool preview…….

Tonight I helped Ben make the “obligatory phone calls” to grandpa (my dad) and Steph (his sister), as it was his last day of freedom.  That’s right, tomorrow Ben puts his nose to the grindstone as a student at St. Mary’s Preschool.

It has been a long time coming too.  He already insists he he smarter than all of us, and the whole St. Mary’s thing is probably just a diversion from the fact that he belongs at Harvard. (I just used Harvard for the joke, but I am not a fan).  But the calls went well, his backpack is loaded up, his clothes are laid out, and he is in his bed (although his mom is there with him as there is some sort of monster in there.)  But the cool part is that he is VERY excited.

And he will do fine, but I DO want to ask your prayers for Amanda, who although is acting pretty business-like and tough about the whole thing, will absolutely lose it tomorrow when he goes into class.  I do not see a chord, but I know it is there.  And I am smart enough to just stay out of the way.  Ben will do fine,  Amanda, I am not so sure.

But regardless, I will have to deal with them both.  Ben has been his usual multi-personality self, but she has been uptight.  I know she is worried about him, but I know him well and am worried about the school and the world.

The next 24 hours will tell, but I am betting on Ben.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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