Let it snow….hahahahaha sorry Steph and Scott

Dear Lord, I might as well live in Bermuda.  There is a WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY here and why????  Well, because we may get a couple of inches of snow!  Oh the humanity!  How will we ever survive?  I am so confused by living in this “non-northern” environment.   I even had to use a picture from 2007 of Scotty (his picture is AWFUL), Stephy and our niece Kayla because it was the only snow picture I could find.

As I was reading about the “advisory,” my mind went back to the countless times we would get a ton of snow up in Mishawaka (Indian for “God’s favorite city”) and how we would listen to the radio praying earnestly that the Superintendent would close school that day…..it rarely happened.  And yes, there was ice and snow, lots of it in fact…..but life went on.  After all, if we issued warnings like they do now I would still be in 3rd grade.  In truth, we live in an area where it snows, although here really not that much, and we ought to all just come to grips with it.  I mean I am now 50, and I have only had a snow blower for a year but it’s because my driveway is about 10 miles long…..not for the inability to shovel.

But I am getting tired of complaining about it.  I chose to live here in the deep south, and I guess I should just come to grips with the fact that people are a bit timid about snow and ice here.

But I think it is a bit deeper than that, in that we have become a people in need of drama.  It is January 12th, we live in Indiana, and it may snow 2-3 inches today.  Why that needs to surprise anyone is beyond me, but there needs to be news…..and apparently dramatic tension.  But considering it can snow here as early as October, yet this is just the second snow for us in the central part of Indiana, I would think we would be talking about how fortunate we are.  I guess not.

But a month ago I moved the snow blower from the back of the shed to the front, where the mower sits in the warm months.  Last year at this point I had used it at least 10 times.  This year I wonder if I will use it at all.  But regardless, I thank God that I grew up where I did, and I also thank Him for the snow.  I really love it.  Christmas wasn’t quite right without it, and although I have enjoyed getting out to do some work still outside, I really want 4 seasons.

So bring on the snow!  Let’s break out our skates and sleds!  Let’s make a few snowmen and have a snowball fight.  Unfortunately this hyped “advisory” isn’t gonna do it for me………

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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