But you say he’s just a friend…….

I should have known something was wrong.  Yesterday Ben said he didn’t want a candy bar, and then after dinner tonight he had a bite of his ice cream and then said he didn’t want it.  He had his dinner, but clearly he was not himself.  An hour or so later he was pretty sick.

Fortunately it came and went pretty quickly.  He was miserable for a short while, cried a lot, then took a quick bath, got in his pajamas and is not Skyping with Steph and Cassie.  He seems to be fine now, and for that we are thankful.  It was definitely a stressful turn to a busy day that I thought was just about over.

And after all that, plus the 10,000 other things I did today, I am hoping that perhaps now the day is now over.

Oh no……he’s now here in my office with a toy that sings a Biz Markie song….the red one.

It’s gonna be a longer night than I thought.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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