If Ben were President………

Yes, this is a picture of actual schoolwork from our son Ben.  It is also clearly an assignment, as I really do not believe he would have any such aspirations, although after reading this many people, including myself if I were young, would vote for him.  And it shall serve as “evidence enough” that the activation of our voting rights AFTER the required schooling we as Americans complete is good policy.  After all, he is clearly a schmoozer.

Of course I am very drawn to using these promises as the content of my post tonight, but retelling it really ruins your ability to experience and enjoy it in its original.  All I suppose I can add to it is that it is clearly something that keeps the school counselors employed….yep job security.   It is the Tirman contribution to society, keeping the counselors employed and the principals and deans busy.  And before you think the counselors’ security is tied into talking to Ben, please note that I really meant talking to the staff that has to deal with him.  As most Tirmans would tell you, throughout history we are often known to the Administrations of the schools we attend, but rarely for the noble reasons.  And as most Tirmans who have met Ben would tell you, he is a bit further “along” than most of us.   And where Scotty was me on caffeine, Ben is Scotty on steroids.

But for tonight we just can all be thankful he will not want to be president.  And we are quite thankful that he provides us with a lot of joy and laughter.  In fact, his teachers and school staff would tell you the same.  We just have the privilege of living with him 24/7.

We just ask that you keep the poor girl who one day will marry him in your prayers.  She has no idea what she is heading into…..after all, no girl grows up aspiring just to be the First Lady.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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