The plans are a-changin………

Boy I wish things were different, but Mr. Ben has been sick all day.  He and Amanda had intended to go with me to St. Matthew’s in Nashville tomorrow, but about 30 minutes ago we made the decision to scrap those plans.  He is just too unsettled right now, and once I leave for Nashville there is little time to stop or take detours… is 100 miles from here.

So Ben and Amanda will be staying home, and hopefully Ben can pull it together before school on Monday.  He has really not been himself, and it is hard to not be able to make him feel better.  He is now back in our bed with his mom, and he is watching “Monsters Inc,” which I believe is a documentary about those guys who changed the formula for Coke a few years back, but I may be wrong…..Ben is a big milk drinker.  I cannot imagine that capturing his interest.

But I have put my last thoughts into my sermon, and I will hopefully bring it all into some sense of coherency on my drive to Nashville in the morning.  I very rarely write things out anymore, as post-stroke, I have trouble focusing and delivering when I am looking up and down.  But we record them now and post them online (this will be our second week) so you can hear it and tell me then that you are feeling ill too!

So I will now head to find a TV and see the Tebow/Brady showdown (at least for as long as I can stay up.)  But I am rooting for the kid!  He is a great quarterback and a pretty dang decent human being.  And I will write more about all of that tomorrow.  But what I can say now as a preview is that I have been a bit shocked as to what people are saying and thinking about him…….as I am one of those Christians myself.  I just had higher hopes.  Check in tomorrow and I will write more.

Keep Ben in your prayers!  And pray for me tomorrow!  Lord knows what I will be saying…….and yes, I suppose that is a literal statement, though it was not intended to be.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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