My diagnosis……

Although I am the wrong kind of doctor to make such a diagnosis, I believe that Ben is getting better.  He was not well enough to accompany his mom and me to Nashville this morning so I went alone.  But he did manage to attend St. Anne’s with Amanda at 11:30.  I however was wondering how he was doing all day, and even bought him this “on sale” bean bag chair that you see in the picture.  Apparently my worries were unfounded……he seems fine.

So I was able to get home with the chair to a quiet house…they were all asleep.  I did my sermon twice today, and recorded it twice, but listening to both twice on the way home didn’t help me decide which one I would post on our podcast website  After much internal struggle, I decided on the first one.

But my afternoon turned out to be pretty empty.  I saw the end of the Houston loss, and then the highlights of the Packers loss too (I do not know if you can tell who I was rooting for or not).  So it was a pretty depressing afternoon/evening.  The only blessing is that I have a meeting in Washington DC the weekend of the Superbowl, and the tickets in the Eli Lilly luge with my wife I will not be using, but who she and my son Scotty will, will not be watching the teams I wanted.  Of course I am now cheering for the 49er’s as their coach is a former BEARS quarterback!  But I digress……..

Tonight I am on the cusp of the week in which I will catch up with all I need to do!  AND, I am pretty excited about it!  It gives me a great vision for the future, because planning is always easier when you are ahead!  I just hope it is not a “pipe-dream” and I wake up in the morning feeling the same way!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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