Of Scott and Scotty things……

Today was kind of a big day.  Scotty, who took last semester off thinking he was heading to the Marines this month, had a big change of plans.  He was intending to serve in the Marine Reserves through college, but now with everyone coming home the whole dynamic has changed.  He will now just do his degree and intends to go in afterwards…..at least that is the plan for now.

So tonight was his first night of class.  He has class four nights a week, and it is really kind of nice to know he will be at home for now.  His original spot is still open in St. Louis to study music education, but you can see the wheels in his head spinning all the time now.  He plays for one of our churches, he has a full-time job, he is a full-time student, and he is the drummer for a band that is getting quite a bit of attention.  Oh to be 18 again!  (Although when I was 18 I was really nothing but trouble!)

It was nice to see him excited about it though.  I know he had himself set to go now.  All that is rapidly changing for a lot of people in the military.  Had he decided on that early in his senior year he would probably be gone.  I know it disappoints him in a way, but I am glad to have him here.  He can still go if he wants, and as I said at this point he still says he wants to, but there is a lot of life to happen between now and graduation.  Time will tell and we will see.

Off to bed for me…..it has been a long and grueling day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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