Viper the Lionhearted…..

Tonight was a night that I would rather not remember.  I had a busy day and Amanda met Ben and I in Indianapolis after her work to eat, as I had some things to pick up down there.  For the first time in a long time my cell phone was almost dead, but I really wasn’t planning on using it too much, so no big deal.

After we ate, Amanda and Ben went home and I made a few stops.  They would beat me home by about 45 minutes I figured, and that would give us still an hour till Scott got home from school.  But I was coming through Fishers (about 15 miles from home) when Amanda called.  A door was unlocked downstairs when she came home, which didn’t trouble her at first, but Viper (our 8 year old dog) who I have never heard growl, (yes this is his picture) was growling across Ben’s room toward the dark hall leading to Steph’s room.  He was protecting them from something.  So she locked them all in my office and called me.  

I of course would have always wanted to be called, but I was concerned more for their safety.  I asked her if she had called the police, which was ‘no,” and she also said there was now no Internet…..which to me meant no phone and perhaps alarm.  I hit the gas as I called the police, and I am thankful my battery lasted through all of this….it was close.

The police in Edgewood are great.  It is a small town and they know every property.  I explained that the house was locked since she got home, but she could probably throw down a key to them from my office or wait for me to get there…..they didn’t have to, for they found an unlocked door and entered and searched the house.

By the time I arrived, Ben was playing with the two officers, and Amanda was getting a bit of a lesson about calling them right away.  I am sure she will next time.  And although I do have a permit to carry, I wasn’t tonight…..but regardless, everything pointed to the need for the real professionals, and I called them.  They train to sweep houses for bad guys and lots of other things too, and it gave me peace to know they were on the scene.

So thanks to the Edgewood Police Department and for their good work.  I really do love living here, and I thank God for the good people I live among.  I am also thankful that tonight they are all safe.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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