Don’t worry……I’m fine……

Well it is official……Scotty has no wisdom teeth, and although he is a funny guy, he has been 10 times funnier sedated.  Amanda said he spoke in Chinese all the way home, though I can verify that he speaks no Chinese at all outside the influence of Versed.  He just rambled and joked, but soon he was in bed, and we did not see him for quite a few hours.  Like all of us however, his bed-ridden stage didn’t last long.  He is now up, and joking.  He has no swelling and is not in too much pain.  It has been a good day and  complication-free one at that.

As for me, the day has been one of both reflection and wonder.  Amanda took Scotty to the surgeon.  I took Ben to school.  But even though Scott is 18, I worried about him, as I have all day.  And it took me back to me getting my wisdom teeth out.  My parents were not involved, but if they knew I know they would worry.  I imagine I didn’t worry about that at all though.

And when I was a kid, I took a hockey stick to the mouth.  Yep, I have some nice porcelain replacements bolted into my jaw.  But once again, when it happened, it was all about me.  That’s all I worried about….but I am sure my parents were a mess.  I watched them both later in life struggle with the illnesses and subsequent deaths of my sisters Steph and Sarah.  Having kids is rewarding, but hard.  You worry.

It reminded me of a time when Steph (my daughter) was but a few months old and she had a cold.  I remember being on the phone with my mom and talking about how I was sure she was fine, but I just worried about her all the time.  AND, that I was looking forward to the time that I didn’t worry about her. Of course she chucked.  I was probably 30 or 31 at the time, and she said, “What makes you think I do not worry now?”  She was right….it never ends.

So as I worried today about Scott my mind drifted off to grandchildren I will someday have who will worry my children just like they worry me.

It really did make me smile.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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