The Iron Chiefs……..Oh, I mean Chefs…….

I do not know exactly what to call them, “The Three Musketeers,” “The Trifecta of Cooking,” or “The Three Stooges,” I just know that I need to be out of their way.

Of course as you can plainly see, Steph and Cassie are home for the weekend.  This is why our kitchen is a mess, as they make so much food together.  It is something sacred with them though.  They always are doing something new.  That is why tonight’s picture was taken tonight at 8PM and they are still supposedly in the process of whipping up some spectacular dinner.  A dinner I told Scotty to be here for at 5PM.  He left and went back to band practice.  He will be on time if he shows up somewhere around midnight I’d guess.
And obviously he, Scotty, is doing better himself.  He has been up all day and doing well.  he stopped the pain meds, but still cannot open his mouth too much.  He headed to band practice because he is not a singer, and tomorrow he plays at St. Patrick’s (though we did not have him scheduled because of the surgery) and he will play all familiar stuff so he doesn’t have to sing there either.
And Ben is just oblivious to it all.  He just moves around from person to person sucking up all the attention he can stand.  He is having a ball.
As for me, I just continue to stay out of their way.  But I do hope I will be able to attend tonight’s dinner……that is if I am still awake.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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