A priest’s view on Tim Tebow, my thankfulness for him…..

Why don’t you like me?  Is it because of what I believe?  Is it because I choose to stand for my faith?  Let’s not pretend.  Maybe now that Tim Tebow is out of the playoff picture, we hear the negativity about him a lot less, but I/we would be foolish to forget it.

Am I just considered to be more socially accepted as a Christian because I am a priest?  In truth, that is not supposed to be the way that it works.  For I am called to form people to witness through their lives……doing the very things I see Tim Tebow do in his life.

Oh but the criticism!  Oh the judgement!  And quite often this comes from the very same people who expect people like me to marry them, baptize their children, or bury their friends and relatives.  The hypocrisy is astounding, and it insults me to my very core.

Yet I feel compelled to ask you to pray for these people, because I don’t just believe, but I know they truly need it.

I confess, I would love to see all the people I shepherd have the same sense of faith and determination I see in Tim Tebow.  He draws his strength from the wellspring of life, and he speaks truth to the people he meets.  It is truly not about him, and it fills me with admiration for his courage and commitment.  We do not need to see him less or put him away……..we need to let him speak and give people the opportunity to listen….obviously they are not getting it.

Let me give some “in kind” advice that I often receive as I express my concerns for all the trash and hatred we are bombarded with on every side, for I am often told to not watch it, or to turn my head, or to understand it is free speech and to let it be.   I would encourage those of you who do not agree with how he is living to do the same, but only in part…..to let it be.

You see, I do want you to listen, not just to guys like Tim Tebow, but to guys like me.  Don’t turn your head, because what you can learn and change you and make you into so much more than you are today….it may even save your life.  If you want more for your life than what you are living, listen to what we are saying…..God offers you more.  But that is your choice, not mine, nor Tim Tebow’s.  No one is trying to head lock you or oppress you.  We are just living our lives.

But let’s be honest people.  Let’s not use the Church and faith for things like weddings and baptisms or funerals or free counseling or anything else while beating up the people who make it what it is.  For we are praying for you, not as a sign of some kind of superiority or spiritual elitism, but because we want all people to come to know what we do.  That Jesus died and rose for all people, and indeed means you too.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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