A true leader and artist…….

Ben shared that he was named “Flag Leader” today at school, and when we asked him why he said, “Because I am an American.”  We had to act like we never knew.

Of course being the Flag Leader, (although we can check that off our “Hopes and Dreams For Him List”) is just the base of the iceberg in terms of our expectations for him.  At 4, he already bosses his older siblings around and they quite often actually listen to him.  And he fights crime, is a master of disguise, and knows just about everything about everything.  And we’d probably let him head off to some Ivy League school right now if they all weren’t so danged agenda driven.  Tonight’s picture is his creation which was right outside his classroom door.  It is a true classic, like a Picasso probably worth millions, but I am sure to his Nanny it will be worth more than that!

But at 4, or more accurately 4.5, he has already amazed us.  He has the Tirman sense of humor and it is remarkably fine tuned for his age.  There is no telling what he will end up being in life, but as Steph and Scott and I were talking this weekend, we ought to make sure his wife is pretty dull as to not overload my grandchildren’s DNA.  Ben will be enough for the world to handle.

But enough of the speculation on the future.  I am just here in my office enjoying an argument between he and Amanda about why he cannot leave his toys all over the house.  I would normally bet on my wife, but I have to admit he learns and adapts each and every moment.   It won’t be long till he has her in his clutches as well.

Oh yes, he gets it from me.  Every Tirman can recognize this DNA.  It’s just that in him, it seems highly unstable.  Pray for us!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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