Two out of three ain’t bad…………

Well I am happy to post tonight, but saddened that our quick trip has ended.  At the last minute, we decided to make a run to Missouri to see Steph and the #11 ranked (USA NCAA Division 2) Lindenwood Lions Women’s Lacrosse team beat Shorter University (from Georgia) 20 to 0.  It was an exciting game, PLUS a lot warmer than last week’s game.  And although I got some great videos from the game, they do not post well on here from my iPhone.  So I had to take pictures later from our after game get together.

But clearly videos are much clearer as six year olds, just like sharks, never stop moving, so still are always blurred.  The first picture is clear of Steph and blurry of Ben, as Steph is the one who is 22.  The second picture I am certain would show Steph clearly too had not her brother, who is also a ham, photo bombed her shot, and perfectly at that.  He thinks he is hilarious, and I suppose I will admit he is, but I want to classify my photos by who I can see rather than who he is obstructing.  And in “speaking” with him, he swears he understands, however the evidence shows it to be nothing more than lip service.  I even stop him and ask him if he can see me right in front of him after my warnings, which he always answers in the affirmative, yet the lack of changing will lead him down a dark path in time.  Scotty got it straight in the Marines.  Ben, if he heads there may cause the retirement or breakdown of the best of the best Drill Instructors at boot camp.

But Steph certainly enjoys it, and that brings me great joy.  They hang together, read books and see movies together, and talk more to each other than to Amanda and me.  It is a blessing, and one that they both will treasure forever.  And we are more than happy to provide them both with the opportunity!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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