On staying out of the way…….

Tonight my wife was reading me a blog she follows where the woman has a fascination for metal chickens and wolf skins (of wolves that die of old age).  She was just about crying from laughing so hard while reading this, all the while chanting, “isn’t that funny, isn’t that funny?”

In a way, I suppose it was.  And it was nice to see that Amanda enjoyed it like she was.  I am not sure if I remember correctly, but I do not believe there is a genre for such humor, so this is to say that Amanda just may be on the cutting edge of something, just as she has been by marrying me.  Thus, I do not want to be critical about people who laugh at metal chickens or wolf-skins, as it may demean the credibility of such brilliant decisions as to chase, capture, and marry me.  And if the truth be known, if she is indeed insane, what would it matter to me?  I have the better end of this deal for sure.

But more importantly than anything, the brilliant  Mr. Ben was awarded a star today for eating all his lunch and exhibiting “good manners.”  Amanda made a big deal of this, intentionally overlooking apparently the fact that some of his lunch today returned in his lunch box.  This could mean a variety of things, but I want to assume the best.  Therefore I am certain that the Good Lord added a few things to Ben’s lunch box just in case he got hungry on the way home from school.

Of course a reward is a reward.  You can score a goal by making a great shot, or by the goalie making a lousy save…..it doesn’t matter.  I am just happy for him because he is excited, and I am happy for her because she thinks he is eating all his lunch.  Flag leader, gold stars, and perhaps next week the Noble Peace Prize………as long as it is not a metal chicken, I will be along for the ride.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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