The snorkel of death……..

Yes, this is a picture from my car.  And yes, this is a picture of my youngest child.  OH YES, he is carrying a SNORKEL, because Indiana is full of barrier reefs and diving opportunities.  NO NO NO…he thinks, or better yet pretends, that it is some type of “super weapon” and carries it with him all the time.  And as long as all the bad guys dies from laughter, I can declare that we are safe.

The four year old mind is fascinating, and considering it is a Tirman mind as well, that makes it all the more worth our study.  There is very little about it that we could predict as “normal,” or at least normal as in reasonable in terms of mainstream society.  But quite honestly, it is FOR THAT that I am THANKFUL.

In all honesty, hanging with Ben is like living with a really good comedy writer…..he is funny all the time.  But more than that, he is also unpredictable.  And although he will always choose the good over the evil, there is an innocence, a purity, that refreshingly shines through.  It makes me covet his perspective on life.  And I am honest about that……life would be far less stressful if we could all just go for ride in that mind of his.

But for now I must just choose to observe him and be jealous!  I don’t carry any super weapons, although I do apparently drive a superhero around town.

It makes me feel young……and for that, I am eternally grateful!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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