Of all things Super…….

Although he is much less “super” in this picture than he is now, Ben did indeed pick it out and ask me to use it on my blog tonight.  I was actually looking for a different picture, but he has been home much of the day not feeling well, and seemed pretty insistent.  I was smart enough to not argue.

Of course, even I, like most of us, like pictures from many years ago.  In my pictures I was not only younger, but I was thinner.  Unlike Ben however, I was just as super…….I swear, delusions are absolutely wasted on the youth.

But as I perused through the pictures I began to see a theme, as well as a theory of why he is the way he is.  Ben, unlike Steph and Scotty, had PJ’s that were almost exclusively superhero.  There was very little Barney, or preschool stuff, but instead all the classics that had screwed me up so well throughout my life.
Everything began to make sense, and as I reflected on it, I cannot say I regretted it one bit.

And why?  Because I was actually worried about Steph and Scott at Ben’s age.  In truth, a purple dinosaur  influencing kids without their parents around, or other kids that used musical instruments for fuel and protection, just didn’t seem like decent role models.  I just thank God they have turned out well.  But the whole good verses evil along with the basic formula of God and Country just has never failed me.

So I am glad for what I have and for where it appears to be headed.  Superman at this point, he is not, but that will not deter me from encouraging it.

Somethings in life are just worth teaching and believing in…….and being one of the good guys is among them.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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