A note of gratitude……

There are so many things that are happening right now in my world that I am almost afraid to share them as my head feels it is about to explode, but I want to assure you they are all wonderful things.

First of all, I have been training to be certification as a coach, and tonight I found out that all seems to be in line to obtain that certification.  I want to us this as the Superior of our Order (check us out at The Order of St. Michael the Archangel) as a way to help new churches and faithful Christians discover and move into their ministries.  Our hope in the OSM is to be a blessing to others.  So that is going well.

And in terms of the Order, I also want to share that we are getting inquiries from ALL OVER!  And this BLESSES US!  And though at this point there are FOUR brothers who are a part and have taken life-vows, our prayer is to see others join us and that means WOMEN as well.  And the inquireries are encouraging as well!

But more than the INWARD FOCUS, exists the OUTWARD one………we want to be a blessing to you. If you are wondering what God is calling you to do or be in your life; if you feel called to plant a Church where you are or elsewhere, or if you just need to talk, we are here for you.

The Lord has called us to this wonderful place and He has blessed us to be a blessing to you.  Let us know how we can help you or how we can pray for you.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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