Friends in low places…….

As I stopped into the Wal-Mart yesterday to pick up a few things my mind went back to another time.  I was watching an older woman, who obviously was working their, stretching up on her toes and balancing the item on the very tips of her fingers to get it into place.  Yes, she was short.

And that made me laugh.  No, not because she was working so hard to get this done, but because she had a lot of determination.  It reminded me of my grandmother, who also was pretty short but yet determined.  And I always loved to hang around with her, not just because she was my grandma, but because she thought I was tall…..or at least led me to believe it.

So I left the Wal-mart and went to pick up Ben……early.  He just seemed out of sorts, and really hadn’t been feeling well this past week.  And when I asked him what was wrong, he said he was felling “low.”  Of course I knew that meant he just wasn’t feeling well, but as he said it my mind went right to my mom whose favorite song was Garth Brooks’ “Friends in low places.”  I felt for him, but the analogy made me smile, as did the good memories today of two people I miss very much.  God rest their souls.

But as the day wore on, I began to wonder.  Ben took a great nap at home but woke up fine.  And it was after he got his pajamas on that he began to feel “low” again.  The picture is my hypothesis.  Yes, that is MY BED he is in, next to his MOM.  Just before then he was a wild man, playing with his dog, his cat, and his brother.  He was singing and clowning in the tub before this too.  But as the now “imaginary umbilical  cord” began to stretch, he reeled her in….after all, he was feeling “low.”  What a short memory she has, although I dare not complain as I benefit from it often.

So today I thank God for some good memories, and pray to Him tonight for no little feet jammed into my side of put across my head in my sleep.  But if it does happen (which I imagine it will) as least I can thank Him also, that that little weasel (a favorite word of my mom) is clean.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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