Never judge a book by its cover……

Tonight’s picture was taken in the parking lot of the Anderson Public Library, where I took Ben to return last week’s “Justice League Film Festival,” and hopefully talk him into something a bit more educational… a book.

Clearly his Nanny’s genes are being repressed by the do-gooder genes that favor the Justice League.  After all, she is a LIBRARIAN, which to her grandson apparently means she works at the Blockbuster.  And yes, I know that there are no longer any Blockbusters anymore, but I am sure you got my point.  The  boy just like fighting evil.

He also apparently has NO VOLUME CONTROL either, raising his voice in the video store, I mean library.  Now I am certifiably hard of hearing and DO qualify for hearing aids, however even I do better than Ben at understanding how loud I am.  And warnings, threats, anything…..he is not afraid, as he is a superhero and has not a lot to fear.  So I just apologize left and right and check out a few movies and head off on our way.

So tonight at home he watched his movies and was talking about how great a friend his cat was to him.  Of course I mentioned to him that he never feeds her, although it is on his chore list.  AND, I told him I thought it would be nice and she would appreciate it if he fed her tonight.  He agreed.

As you can see, there is little doubt in my mind why that cat loves him so.  Superheroes are hard for me to understand.  But who cares?  It really cracks me up to be able to live with one!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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