Suicide by dinky Toyota…….

What is it with all the deer that want to kill themselves?  Do they think that running out in front of my car as I am going 70 will make it any less of a suicide?  They either are REALLY depressed or MORONS, and I am betting on the latter.

Yes, today I almost wacked Bambi 3 different times, and I use the word “wacked” because I am the first generation of my family born outside of Brooklyn, New York.  Do you have a problem with that?  I though so.

But in all honesty, I would not mind helping these said deer out, if they would just help me.  I truly HATE my car, and would be more than willing to HAVE TO buy a new one.  But these deer are just not right, and as they DOVE in front of my car, I was certain that they were working for my wife, who was probably going to pay that Buck’s little Doe Widow an appropriate sum so they could both vacation in Cozumel.  Don’t try to fool me, I could see it in his eyes!

But as the kids say, “too bad so sad,” Mr. 10 Points is still prowling the woods and I am suffering immensely at my hotel….not!  And the bottom line is that we will both live to do something incredibly stupid another day!

Some things never change.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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