Out of sorts…….

Sometimes I get what others would call “writer’s block,” but for me it is hard to tell.  I write this blog primarily as therapy for myself post-stroke, and when things challenge me I often wonder if it they are just the normal old things or if they are connected somehow.

Such is the case tonight.  I am traveling, busy, and at the end of the day of a class that leads to a certification for me. And although much about all this is pretty sterile in terms of my needs for routine, it is clearly not my usual routine.  And to top it all off, I am a bit cranked out of shape.
This is enough to make things I need to do difficult for me, yet I do my best to get them done.  In all honesty, in a few days they will fascinate me and I will try to think back to do better with them the next time, but it is when I am in the midst of them that they kind of suck.  It’s where I need Ben to interrupt me as Batman, Superman, or one of the many multiple personalities he possesses.  Tonight that will be a desire to no avail.
I am however hoping that sleep moves me beyond it, because the day will be a lot longer and harder tomorrow if I cannot get back on track.  We will see.  But for now I will give it a shot.  I have had enough for this day!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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