
Yep, I completed my certification training and now am a certified life coach.  Of course I intend to use this mainly in my role as the head of a Church and and also of a Holy Order, but I suppose if tons of you wanted to hire me at an astronomically obscene rate, then I could just donate money to make sure the Church and Order are well funded.  But I am guessing that a private practice in all of this is probably not going to happen.  My best advice is to donate to the Church and the Order anyway…..it will make you feel great and it will help us do our work as well.

But obviously this is not my first rodeo.  I am at my hotel for the night rather than trying to drive home through the mountains and snow in the dark.  I will be leaving in the morning, and as soon as I hear from Amanda I will commit to a time.  I am not looking forward to the drive, but I am looking forward to getting home.  My certification will probably not mean a lot to my wife….I am sure I will still be sleeping in the garage.

But who cares?  It will be MY GARAGE!  And that means I will be around all my stuff and this may surprise you, but there is a little less traffic and congestion in good old Edgewood, Indiana.  I LOVE where I live, and will be more than happy to return.

So keep me in your prayers tomorrow.  I am coming home…..and that I can certify!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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