Notes from home………

I have been home just about an hour.  My clothes are in the wash, and Scotty has so very graciously offered to put them in the dryer for me.  Ben asked me how my trip was, but that was apparently just to lure me into a deeply detailed recounting of the Spiderman movie he was watching.  Honestly I was very worried that he was going to pass out as he kept talking and talking.  I never saw any time for air to go back into him.

But of course that is what I know as “normal,” and I am glad to be back in the midst of it.  I am tired and miserable because my legs are killing me, but all I have tomorrow is a doctor appointment in the morning (an ophthalmologist)  I have been having problems with my right eye for over a year and this is a specialist among specialists.  My hope is that he can either fix it or take it out!  I am tired of it!

Now my eyes are certainly not what they used to be, but I do know that Ben went into my room quite some time ago and has not come out.  I also know the lights are off in there.  I see his plan and am prepared to live with it for the night.  He often invades my space, but I have been gone since Saturday and honestly it has been a bit weird as that no one talked any superhero stuff to me, jumped on me, or threw a Captain America shield at valuable stuff around me.  It bored me to tears.

THAT problem is solved.  Tomorrow we will see if the good doctor can solve the rest.

Goodnight from beautiful Edgewood, Indiana and God Bless!


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