Post # 1300!!!!

Well this is my 1300th post, but it has been a trying day.  It is so very hard being gone and then catching up, but I spent the morning at the eye doctor and then the afternoon with Ben who was sick.

The good news is that Ben is on antibiotics and will recover (although not soon enough).  He has an ear infection (no surprise to us as it is also his 1300th) but he will need to shed the fever if he is going to school tomorrow.  So far so good though.  He seems like his old self.

The bad news is that the top shelf expert I went to about my eye has referred me to another top shelf expert in the area of my actual eye problem and this means a few more weeks of dealing with this.  Of course it has been over a YEAR now (that’s why the new docs) and at least I finally feel I am on the right track.  The next doc is a surgeon who specializes in the eye and is ALSO a plastic surgeon.  They are confident he can fix me, and if my insurance will cover it, I may just have a little work done.  We will see……

But for now I will post this blog and picture of Ben at the doctor’s office today.  We saw his favorite.  She is actually a PA, but we call her Dr. Kelly.  He had her cracking up, but the best part is that she has him in the road to recovery!

Thank God for that!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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