What a difference a day makes…..

One day I was 16, the next I had my driver’s license.  One day I was 17, the next day I was an adult.  One day I was 20, the next I was able to have my first (legal) drink.  One day I was 49, the next day I was a member of the AARP (not by any means politically, but by age).  And one day (yesterday) Ben was a sick little mess, and today he is his old self!  Praise God!  He is back to invading my space at every turn!

Of course I know it is just the antibiotic talking, but with a pretty bad ear infection that is just what you need.  Ben was able to get back to school today, and then as always, he and I hit the library for his weekly superhero dvd fix.  Today it was Ironman, Transformers, some other superhero that I cannot remember, and the classic movie “Homeward Bound.”  He watched the latter first, and what was funny was that the Golden Retriever “Shadow” looked almost identical to our Viper.  But not that Viper cared…..he slept through the movie.
But Ben seemed to enjoy it, and as in all things at our house, he interrupted it with important delusional business.  Why I cannot remember what it was is, I am sure, some sort of psychiatric defense mechanism.
But I would not have it any other way.  My kids really give me life.  And they make a big difference in my life……just one day at a time.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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