A picture of the future………

The picture is of Ben and his buddy Puddy playing in the door of my office.  It is more disconnected to this blog than a hot dog at a 5 star restaurant.  But I just liked it, and I hope you do too.

Today was a real blessing to me.  It started out with my picking up a college student from Anderson University to take her to St. Patrick’s in Noblesville.  She had been to our Church in Anderson a few times, but I thought she might like to see St. Patrick’s as well.  What warmed my heart, was not what she saw there, because I really didn’t talk to her about it.  But what warmed mine was what I did.

Here was a college student making the time on her own to attend church.  That was pretty cool in itself.  But at St. Patrick’s today the sermon was delivered by Ethan Harrison, a young man in his 20’s heading to seminary later this year.  The Celebrant was Deacon Robert Jennings, who just turned 34, and who was training for what is coming up after his March 17th priesting by doing this Deacon’s Mass.  And then of course there was the musician, Scotty, my son who is 18.

It really brought a lot of things back to me.  I remembered when I was in college and getting ready for seminary.  The older guys called us the future.  I guess they worried about it then.  But I know the feeling.  I am one of the old dogs now and with great joy am watching God raise up a great group to continue it all.  I am far from being sent out to pasture, but today I realized I need to worry about it less.  It’s not my responsibility, apparently God has been working on it all along.  And for that message given to me this day, I am truly thankful.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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