
I have to confess, I have received all of this information second-hand, but tonight I was out at work and Amanda made a pizza for the boys and had it out to cool.  She went to another part of the house for a little bit, and when she returned, it was gone.

First of all, thank God I was not home!  I do love pizza, but I love not being in trouble even more.  But soon CSI was on the scene, and it ended with a booking of Viper, who incidentally loves pizza as well.  He ate the entire thing in the few minutes she was gone.
Of course one can hardly blame him, especially considering he is fed dog food all the time.  Of course he IS A DOG, but that doesn’t mean he can’t tell the difference.  It wasn’t even a good pizza, it was a cheap frozen one, but most critics would agree that even those things are far tastier than dog food.  So Viper did the crime and of course also will do the time.  I do believe however that he feels it was worth it.
Yes, in his 8 years he has had his moments (chalking tonight up as one of them) but overall, he has been and is, an exceptional dog.  And really, eating it all is far better than what the cat would do if she liked pizza…….she’d just chew what she’d want and leave the rest……yuck!
So Viper didn’t get any dog food tonight, but all and all, I figured that was fine with him.  Pizza is great anytime you can get it.  He was guilty, but clearly this is not a capital offense!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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