Clean up your act…..

Oh the romance is abounding in our home for Valentine’s Day.  We ate dinner, did some laundry, and Amanda asked me to run Ben’s bath……so that he apparently would not be stinky for her falling asleep with him in his bed tonight…..although she told me it was so he would not be stinky for school.

But alas, that is the life I lead.  I take care of kids, work, and write this humble blog.   I am 50 years old and yet speak to an audience under 5 90% of the time.  It is really no wonder I am how I am.  It is now 9:00pm, and I am in my room typing and the cat is somewhere in here with me.  If I just had a handbag and some books (and was female) I could be a cat lady.

Of course I am holding out for something far more glamorous and worthy of my sacrifices.  If the house I am building in heaven is in proportion to all I am doing right here I am betting I should have some pretty awesome digs. But who am I to complain?

I had a front row seat at the Ben Tirman comedy bath show tonight…..AND he is clean!  And a clean (non-stinky) boy makes for a happy (no-grouchy) wife.  They may be off sleeping in another room, but it smells great in mine, and I am not in any kind of trouble!  A victory for sure!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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