
Oh sure, I know you were expecting a picture of Ben and SCOTT, but there are actually three of them.  Ben here is pictured with their middle brother Viper, or in dog years their older brother Viper.  Either way you look at it he likes to be under the covers.

Viper is actually Scott’s dog.  We got him as a pup, and Scott took primary responsibility for him and even showed him in the ring (the PRO ring……AKC, not 4-H).  But Viper, although very loyal to Scott, is an opportunist.  And he had the opportunity to watch “Homeward Bound” with Ben and “under the covers” at that, so he took it.  Viper looks a lot like Shadow in the movie, but he is clearly younger.  Either way, he was milking it for all it was worth and enjoying the night.  And when Scott got home he expected us to not say a thing…….fortunately for him, Scotty never reads this blog.

So Ben and Viper had a great night, and the cat, whose bed they were in, was angry.  But such is the life here at the Tirman home.  The day is done and all that is forgotten but for this blog.  Even the cat has let it go.  Tomorrow is yet another day.  All are significant, yet not all are memorable.  Even so, I thank God for each and every one of them!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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