A day from hell……..again

Well, my wife was unable to make her trip to Belgium, which in many ways will make my life easier this week, but canceling the big party I was throwing tomorrow at the last minute will be hard.  But in all seriousness, big changes to plans such as this (the trip and her being away a week, not a party) are hard…..especially today.

And as for the rest of the day……Scotty, a few days ago, slid into a curb at work in his car……DAMAGE.  We THOUGH it was just the rim, but the repairs may be more than the car is worth.  We dropped it off at our VOLVO MECHANIC and we took the truck.  Sadly, the truck did not make it home on its own….it had to be towed.  So I have listed a non-running truck on Craigslist.   The car, we will see.

As I sat down to do this blog, I realized I am doing the sermon tomorrow at 2 places and have no sermon. I did go down and make sure my clothes were clean and ready….they are.

You just cannot write a sermon in this state of mind.  I would not dare try either.  Tomorrow will be an early morning, but all things considered, at least it will not be today!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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