The break up…..

Sadly, my truck and I parted ways today.  It was a good run, but the happenings of yesterday were more than I care to address.  I am more than willing to address issues that I can fix, but I am a priest and no mechanic.  The truck went to the latter, and he was excited to receive it…it was a fire sale for sure.

So now we just have to deal with Scott’s car which is at the Volvo people down in Fishers.  No, this is not a Volvo dealer, but a family business that specializes in Volvo’s.  They will call me tomorrow with an estimate I am sure, but it is all part of getting back to normal here at what my wife calls “Casa del Tirman.”  (I am assuming that that is Kansasian, because she does not Spanish but we all just listen to her as she is the mom and we are afraid of her)
The sad part however, is that deep down I have always been a truck guy.  I drive my car all over, but in truth it doesn’t give me much joy.  I just hope to have another truck soon.
So pray for me…..I am feeling like a horse that has just been broken.  Oh for another truck…….if I could just afford it!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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