The escape, the remedy……..

We have a nice home, but I have to confess that today was a bit like prison for me.  We sold my truck and Scotty’s car is being repaired so he had mine, and I was at the house by myself all day.  Of course that is not totally true as the copy machine repair man, as well as the plumber stopped by, but the point was that I could not go anywhere and it really drove me nuts!

But no worries……tomorrow will be exactly the same.  I will still have no car, nor will I be able to leave.  Oh I have PLENTY of work to do, but if I could escape, or at least had the means to, it would all seem more tolerable.  Sadly, the day will drag onto its very end tomorrow.  The good part however is that tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday and the dragging on will lead into pancakes, which are always a blessing.  But I am sure I will start imagining them as early as 6am.

There is hope on the horizon.  Scotty’s car will be finished tomorrow and sometime in the afternoon (if I can find a ride to Fishers) I will be able to travel without begging for a ride!!  It will be a glorious moment, although I am saddened that it will cost me a bunch of cash to enjoy it.  Then again, what is the value of one’s freedom?

The answer is, tomorrow about $900.  The blessing however is that there will be pancakes to help me ease all that pain!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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