The eyes have it…….

My new doctor is delightful, and he is an opthalmologic plastic surgeon, which of course means he does “surgery,” which also means today was a “consult” in order for he and I to get together again when I am asleep.  The name of the whole thing sounds a lot worse than it is, but after a year and some months dealing with this, I will be having it fixed on March 29th, if not sooner (I offered myself up for any cancellation spots).

Apparently my right eye does not drain anything, and that not only looks bad, but it feels bad as well.  He will install some sort of stent in the canal that is supposed to be open and if that does not work he will create a new canal by apparently drilling a passage through the bone in my nose over to my eye.  I did ask if they had to take my eye out to do all this, for which the answer was “no, that is only on TV,” but I did share how “uncool”now this surgery would seem to my kids.

I of course also now will be able to say that I have had “plastic surgery.” And, as a side note, I did on more than one occasion during my appointment think about asking if they wanted to do any other work on me while I was there.  I decided against it, as I became convinced that any joke like that might seem pretty funny to me, but to Dr. Welsh one that he has probably heard from every other patient for the last 10 years.

If it all goes well I will look like the picture on the right, sans the red eyes (and the pain).  Keep praying…

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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