Andrew Breitbart….RIP

I do not have to admit, but I want to admit that I was both shocked and saddened by the sudden death of conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart today.  In this age of compromised integrity and the lack of truth, he stood out as a refreshing crusader for all that as right.   I appreciated his uncompromising commitment to the truth and his pride in the criticism levied at him by those who disagreed with him.  His work was important, and his dedication to his principles was steadfast.

His death at 43 was far too soon, yet many who despised him disagreed.  I was disappointed at the hatred spewed at a man and his family today via the Internet, but I choose to pray for those with such poison in their souls.  God calls us all to stand for our beliefs, as I believe Andrew Breitbart did, but I do not believe under any circumstances he calls us to be vicious.  I have been there and have had that done to me, but I am able to defend myself.  It is lower than low to say such things about someone who is departed….it only harms his family.

Of course Andrew Breitbart loved the criticism.  Such things to him were a badge of honor, and I could not agree more.  The hatred shows their character, or better their lack thereof.  And it is but a barometer of, not how far we have deteriorated, but of how far we have to go.  You see it is always about restoring, not about destroying.  And clearly society has a long way to go.

Rest in Peace Andrew.  May we continue the good fight without you!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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