My bet is on what they always do……

Tonight Amanda and Ben went to meet their friends to see “The Lorax.”  As for me, I stayed home.  In all honesty, I hated the Dr. Suess stories…….okay, that was perhaps a bit watered down.  But The Lorax appears to be the next big thing, yet I am sure it will be yet another movie that will attempt to indoctrinate kids into something I disagree with.  If I am wrong, I will retract it tomorrow….but don’t be holding your breath.

I personally have stopped seeing movies for that very reason, and I do not watch television or support those who feel their position as an actor makes them more suited to teach my children about values than me.  I may be but one man, but from that one man they do not reap many benefits.

So I am here at home alone, but the good news is that when that movie gets political, or worse yet all PC on the screen, I will not be there wondering why I paid $35 dollars a person for admission and why I paid $63.50 for popcorn and a diet coke.  Don’t get me wrong, Netflix shows a lot to trash, but at least I decide what to watch (not the trash).  And no one is talking on their cellphone in the row in front of me either.

Hollywood, here’s a news flash.  I do not agree with your politics.  No that you care.  But if I do head to the movies at all, I’ll go watch those Navy Seals.   Let’s look up to some real heroes, or just head to the airport and shake their hands as they return home.

Reality is important………at least I think so.  But what do I know?  After all, I hate green eggs and ham.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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