Another Throw Back Thursday………..

Well I am occasionally going to hop on the “With It” Train and take part in cultural trends.  So today, which I think is quite possibly Thursday, I will take the opportunity to partake in what (again and still) is known as “Throwback Thursday.”  And today I will post this spectacular picture of ME when I was more of a dapper dresser, AND when I had a lot more hair.

Oddly enough, the black and white gives it away as this picture also looks like my dad, my brother, my two sons, and perhaps Brad Pitt at that age.  But on a close scientific comparison, if we Tirmans were ever to spring for such a thing, I would like to think they (scientists) would find me far superior.  But like most things of that nature my wife, who just happens to be a scientist, AND who also just happens to pay our bills each month, would probably just find it a colossal waste of resources.  The truth is, I am the only one of us to “get” (you know….trick, trap, flim-flam, coerce) a scientist into MARRYING ME which I feel should just settle it anyhow.  But we were all handsome devils back in the day (our own days) and that generally suffices for us all.

And I am holding the famous “Goggie,” who I kept and carried all the way until he was just a swath of fabric.  He looks pretty good here though.  I am not sure what Mike had, but Scotty had a Goggie too, and I think it may be in a box somewhere, Steph had a Simba and I KNOW where that is (it is here and not with her), and Ben has a blankie that is a lot like Goggie at the end.  And although we all carried some type of animal or other sleeping utensil, I am pretty certain I was the only one to have such a good looking jacket.  Incidentally, I no longer have that.

But I just thought I would share.  In all honesty, I think it is pretty funny that we all kind of looked the same (not Steph), but I really posted it selfishly.  You see I always enjoyed, even as an adult, hearing my mom or my grandparents talk about me and my Goggie at that age.  It was just a great way to remember some fond memories…..and tonight I needed that.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Tommy+ (and Goggie posthumously)

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