Hanging with his big sister…….

I was going to post a video tonight of Ben and Steph at the wedding of her friend Jamie last night, but the video was taken on my wife’s phone and although we can watch it on her phone, we cannot figure out how to post it.  So sadly tonight you will not be watching Ben dancing with a bunch of girls, and showing his moves……including “brake” dancing, and yes I use “brake” because it is something I desperately want to stop.  He however, is clearly a hit.

But Stephy was here for just a blink of an eye, and it was hard to not have the time to do anything with her.  When they returned from the wedding I was already asleep.  I left early and had just a few minutes with her at St. Patrick’s before I headed to the service at St. Anne’s and she headed back to Missouri.  It was a hard drive away for me, but in all honesty it was better than not being able to see her at all.  I miss her, and any time I have with her is important to me.

But at least she was able to come home and dance the night away with her 4 year old brother.  I know it was good for both of them.  And Steph can learn a lot about dancing from him……because we all know that 4 year olds know everything about everything.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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