Thoughts Concerning My Wonderful Family…………..

I do not sign onto FaceBook often, in fact I have considered removing my profile from it. I started using it at the beginning to stalk my kids, but they soon migrated to other sites that I just do not understand. I also try to keep up with the happenings of classmates from high school and college, but I have been shocked to discover that they are now all old people, and I am not quite sure how that happened.

I have been working as an Interim Rector since the end of May at St. Michael and All Angels in Peoria. It has been a lot of travel and a lot of time, even for a young guy like me. I happen to be at home today, and ironically Amanda is at a conference until Thursday night. This puts her dad and I in charge while she is gone, and I am certain that does not worry her at all. I doubt she even remembers how last time she was gone (two weeks ago) we double-dose and double-fed the dogs by accident, and fortunately the dogs told no one.

Although time did fly, we did get to see the kids and grandkids over the summer. We went to Texas in early August when it was approximately 200 degrees outside and we spent a lot of time outside too! But it was fun to see Scotty and Kenzie and our two grandsons.

And then, Steph and Izzy were just here, stopping by on the way to and from a wedding in Izzy’s family in

Izzy, Steph, and an always smiling Ben

Pennsylvania. It was a short visit but one for which I was thankful. It was not 200 degrees as this was at our home in Indiana.

Ben was home for a lot of the summer, although we did not see as much of him as we would have liked as we suspect he may be a vampire due to his interesting sleep schedules. He moved into the dorm at the Indiana Academy at Ball State in mid-August, and as I understand it, they only have classes in the light. So perhaps he has changed his sleep schedule.

But I miss all our kids terribly. I know that when I was their age my first thought, or really any thought, would likely not have been about spending time with my parents. But now that my mom and dad are gone (they both died, they are not lost) I wish I could have done better.

But despite all this, I am proud of all of our kids.

I love them and wish I had more time to see them.


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