Thoughts on my Ordination Anniversary….

Well, well, well… time flies.  Yes, 22 years ago today I knelt down in front of the Bishop of Southwest Florida and was ordained a priest.  I was far younger, much lighter, and I had a head full of hair.  My grandfather presented me, which was a high honor, and the equally young, and then ministry-greenhorn, Father Kelly Irish (he and I were in Plano together this week) delivered a now famous sermon.  Kelly is the young buck behind me in both the pictures.

The sermon we now label as “Father Phony,” and it was about how surprised we were that we made it even THAT FAR, and what would happen to us if they ever found out we didn’t know it all.  My my my…….how time doesn’t change.

Here we both are now 22 years later……and we both still don’t know it all.  Actually, we are not even close to know it all.  The difference is that now we know better.

I am often struck by what I see in many people who feel called to ordained ministry.  Many feel that it involves hoop-jumping and check-lists, as if they just do these things they have to do that they will get it.  Others see it as something they attain or reach, like a finish line, when in fact there is no such thing.  In fact it isn’t something you attain or qualify for with good performance….it is just something you are called to and are made into by God’s Grace.  It doesn’t make you any more special than the next person, it is just what you are called to do… serve the Lord as a priest in His Church.

So today I give thanks for that day many years ago, and for the opportunity to serve, particularly with someone like Father Irish.  He always said that in combining the two of us the Church probably got one good priest, and perhaps he was right. (I think that was in his sermon 22 years ago)  But the bottom line is that for even more than that time, he and I have kept each other in the right perspective…and by that I mean sane.  I thank God for Him every day, as well as for the opportunities He has given us.

Anyway, it’s been a great ride!  Here’s to AT LEAST 22 more!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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