Time to start writing again…..

For those of you who have read this blog over the course of the past 12 years, you are aware of my staunch belief that I write it really only for myself.  It began as therapy following my stoke in 2008 because I could not write or think coherently and if I did it would be two identical sentences or paragraphs that perhaps you could see, but I could not.  And my posts were an almost daily thing for many years until I thought I was better.  I re-entered grad school for two additional degrees which sort of took the blog’s place.  All of however, in all honestly it helped me not just retrain, develop, and heal my brain, but it helped me grow,  There were no great theological insights beaming from these writings, although had I been concerned about a potential following the blog that would perhaps might have those expectations. None of that happened, and here I am again.

I have clearly been on a long hiatus  from posting, but sadly, much in my life has changed,  I am not challenged by the everyday intellectual stimulation that would lead me to those words of inspiration convincing us al that I was always in school on some sort of athletic scholarship and not academic.  This is not to say that I am not well-read (My apologies to Thema Martin, my high school English teacher for the double negative) be cause I am indeed fairly intelligent.

I have my issues.  I struggle currently with the state of our country.  Yes, read back 5 minutes and you will discover I am a conservative, nit a republican although I tend to vote that way, but I am really a Constitutionalist.  I respect you for your beliefs, and I would like you to respect em for mine. I did not break into the Capitol and I am pretty sure you did not loot and riot in the cities all over the nation.  Do I hate you? ……….no!  Do you hate me?…….Lord I hope not.  I just wish we could talk and do it civilly and cordially, rather than threatening each other across divides.

As most of you probably know I have been in recovery for well over 7 years.  And staying in it, as well as helping others to do the same is our primary purpose.  I could care less if you hated priests and wanted to revoke all out gym memberships till the end of time, I would still want to work with you to help you stay sober.  Principles before personalities you know.  And if you want that, I am all in to help you.

Things are not as important as we are to each other.  I would not be where I am without the people in my life. Very few of them agree with me religiously or politically, yet not one of them feels the need to draw a line in the sand with me.  Love wins when it I offered free ly and received freely.

Tonight and over the past few days I have struggled.  It is unfortunate.  I am contemplating some life-changing moves.  I do not know that they are all necessary.  But what I do know is that I have to take in mind my recovery and sobriety first.  For without it, I am not worth a thing to anyone else.

Blessings to you all……


Fr. Tom Tirman OSM

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