Good news……really good news……

Today has been a busy busy day.  I got Viper to the vet.  He is pretty bruised up, but now on pain meds and antibiotics…….plus he’s got that whole hero-thing going on.  He’s going to be fine.  Amanda is doing fine as well, although she did not go to the vet.

The plumbers and excavators are still here and they will be pouring the floor of the basement tomorrow…..just in time for my sister-in-law and her kids to arrive tomorrow night.  The plumbing will not be completed yet, and they will be out to finish it later in the week….but as long as the bathrooms and showers work, then who really cares?  It however, has been a brutal job for them, but these are truly the finest contractors I have ever known.  Call me if you ever need a plumber!  Angie’s List doesn’t have a category for how high I would rate them.

But tonight my thoughts are really on my good friend Father Art Going.  Art is a priest who almost came up here to plant a church, but who ended up in Louisville instead.  I got to see him in Texas last week, but the day we left, he had a heart attack….which is surprising as he is in excellent shape.

But Art had bypass surgery today in Texas and did great!!!  We are all so thankful for that!  I just got off the phone with his seminarian in Kentucky, as I will be heading down there this Sunday afternoon to cover for Art.  I can tell you however, I am convinced the parish is in good hands!  It was a great comfort to me, as I am sure it is to Art as well.

BUT……please still keep my brother Art and his wife Nancy in your prayers.  Art will be in the ICU for a few more days and then will be on the road to full recovery for a few more weeks.  But the good part is that he will be doing it with that rebuilt ticker.  I am thankful for that.  He is a great priest and a great friend.  Today may have been busy for me, but in my mind, there are very few ways it could have turned out better.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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