Yes, that is the magnificent Ben Tirman next to the cement truck for which he would not leave home until it arrived.  This whole big project thing is right in hos wheelhouse, and of all the people here today, he clearly had the most fun.  The good news is that the concrete was poured….the bad news is that is was a terrible job.  Our plumbers were not happy with the contractor, so tomorrow we will see what the options are.

Of course that is not the BIGGEST thing.  The biggest thing is that my sister-in-law Rhonda, and her two children Kayla and Logan arrive tonight for a WEEK!  That is BIG!  I have never met our nephew, and Kayla and I always have a great time.  But the best part is to see Rhonda, because as a sister to my wife, we have dealt with a “common enemy.”  And we spend most of our time together sharing those important survival strategies.

Of course you might be saying, “wow that is a gutsy confession, as your wife reads your blog,” but NOT when her family comes.  She is currently possessed with cleaning stuff with a toothbrush, and no, it is not anyone’s teeth.  My OCD comes from a stroke….Amanda’s comes naturally, and all I am sure Rhonda will share is that what a bummer it probably was to be me as she was heading here!  Rhonda has had many more years dealing with this “serial cleaner.”

The nice part is that it will seem like old times.  We have spent a lot of time together, but since Rhonda has moved, it has been hard.  Lots of husbands have bad in-law relationships…..I do not.  As a matter of fact, I would be hard pressed to find better in my humble opinion.  So for a week we will have a blast, and I can hardly wait.  It s going to be a great BIG TIME!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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