Family stuff……

I really can’t believe how tired I am…..and what is funny is that I began the day talking about that very topic with father Dan Conley this morning.  A million things later, I am still “dead-dog” tired as they say (although I do not think dogs that have died are tired, but more likely “not-alive”) and though I accomplish a ton, I am not quite sure I could tell you what.

On the upside, I do believe that the retreat we will be leading tomorrow for Brother Robert Jennings, who will be ordained a priest on Saturday, should be a good one.  We “seem” to be all set for it, but of course there are “technical” things that have to go well tomorrow too, so your prayers will be appreciated.  What I can say is that it reminds me of my coaching career.  You prepare all you can, but at some point you have to walk onto the field and just see what you have got.  We are praying for it to be a great day for us all.

And here at home, my wife and her sister have been fun to watch.  The picture is of my time with them yesterday for lunch at Pizza Hut.  But Rhonda and Amanda are having a blast and the kids are too.  It was all made even better this afternoon by the arrival of my father-in-law from Kansas (I do not have father-in-laws from any other states, he is the only one, I was just using the state to reference how far he came).  The kids of course went wild.  This is who Ben identifies as “Cowboy Grandpa,” and he has been all about the kids.  They are in heaven.

So of course I will not be missed too much sneaking out to do a retreat.  After all, I am the dad and uncle, and that is far less cool to hang with than a grandpa.  I know, because I miss mine.  And given a choice, he would be my first.  I am just very blessed to see the kids enjoy it like they do!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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