Plan B?????

Oh it is not as if we have anything going on here, like a family visit, the Bishop coming in tomorrow for an ordination in the afternoon that I have a role in, and him attending another service on Sunday.  Or even the little get together we had planned for him tomorrow night in our home.  Or the fact that on Sunday I just need to be in Nashville in the morning and Louisville in the afternoon…, at some point I need to rough in a wall before Monday morning……so two kids puking multiple times (Ben and his cousin Logan) doesn’t worry me at all.  I am really used to contingency plans.

The good part is that for now all the grossness appears to have taken a break.  No one has been sick for about an hour, and in all honesty I will not be disappointed at all if that mess was all we see.

I will say that timing is everything, and we were very fortunate to be able to watch Steph’s game in its entirety via our computer and broadcast from the college they played this afternoon in Michigan.  They won, and Steph played great, and it was pretty cool to get to watch her on TV.  We had a little chat later (via text) and after I had completed my hospital work here at the house.  She and the team will board a plane in the morning for games in Colorado beginning Sunday.

For now however, I will just take some time to catch my breath.  I have A LOT to do before tomorrow and things need to fall into place just right now for them all to happen like I want.  We have moved the get together away from the house, as it would be pretty irresponsible to say, “Hey, come on over and risk being sick!”  So the beginning of a contingency plan is in place.  So far, just one part is being used.

Pray that it is the only part we need.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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