And then there were two…….

This has been the vacation from hell for my sister-in-law Rhonda.  Her 1 year old Logan, and Ben got the flu on Friday and bad…….her daughter Kayla got it right after attending the ordination yesterday and bad……Rhonda then got it herself, yep bad, last night, and Scotty finished playing for St. Patrick’s service today and then got it as well……bad.

I am now home.  Amanda has taken care of them all and I have helped when I have been around.  She talked to her dad today and guess what?  Yep, he has the flu, and bad…..Amanda is worried as she is beginning to feel a bit queasy.  In time, we may be down to just one………  (Sadly, on a side note, I just talked to Steph who was getting ready to board a plane in Colorado to return to Missouri after two big wins…..she is not feeling well….but that is unconnected to the plague going around here…..just ironic)

I however have made it past where I needed to be… I will be fine either way.   I am just glad to be home and available to help as needed.  I just want to see them all on the mend.  Right now however, it is truly a war zone. (Tonight’s picture is an old one too!  No one let’s you take their picture when they feel like hell…..that only happens in reality TV, which this ain’t!!)

So keep them all in your prayers. This was not what Amanda and Rhonda envisioned when they planned this time together.  I only hope tomorrow is a better day for them all.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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