One good day…….

Well it APPEARS I will be surviving this one, as will my wife.  Everyone is now in the land of the living, and just in time to head to the airport early tomorrow morning for the return flight to Utah.  Amanda will also be heading out tomorrow, but not to Utah… Texas for a meeting till late Thursday.  It is work for Amanda, but Rhonda’s vacation was marred by the flu!  I am recommending she fire her travel agent.

As for me, I met the flooring guy and the plumbers, who will be here tomorrow to finish everything up.  The flooring guy will come back next Monday, and that gives me a little time.  I spent a lot of today framing up part of the new bathroom, and quite a few other things as well.  We also were finally able to celebrate my niece’s birthday, though almost all of them just ate chicken soup.  I was glad we were able to  though.  She will be eight in a little over a week, and it was important.  I have missed her a lot, as we were very close, and I was saddened that she was in bed a lot of the time sick.  But it was great to see her smiling and opening a few presents.  Uncle Tom snuck over to the DQ too and got her an ice cream cake, because she deserved one.  I will miss her, her mom, and her brother when they leave.  As for my wife……I will enjoy three days of not being wrong!!!!!

So for now I will end this season of family and flu…….. I am glad Amanda and I did not get it, and I will look forward to the next visit with all of them that I will make up for all this lost time.  I love them all, and although it has not turned out like any of us had hoped, it was great to be a big family again.  I am thankful for that for sure!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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