So tired…….

I really cannot express how very tired I am.  I seem to be awake, and able to get things done that I need to do, but I am clearly beyond where I need to be.  I hope I feel different in the morning.

We were up at 5am this morning and I was able to get Rhonda, Kayla, Logan, Ben, and Amanda to the airport at just about 7.  Rhonda and her kids flew out just after 8 for home, and Amanda was leaving for Texas at a little after 10.  Ben was only along for the ride, and as he LOVES the airport, it is always a good time.  
So Amanda, Ben, and I hit the Plainfield Chick-Fil-A for breakfast before taking her back for her flight.  Then it was another hour home.  Ben went to Cindy’s and I picked up the vanity and toilet for the new bathroom (yes the plumbers were here today and tomorrow) since the Home Depot is not far from her house. I later met with Father PT and he and I got some flooring too.  A hour or two of office work and then the boys and I went out to dinner with my dad, my sister, and her boyfriend before heading BACK to the airport to pick up Amanda’s car that we had to leave there, since we had to drive two cars.  Ben and I could have driven it home if he really had his license…..but I am pretty sure he doesn’t, regardless of what he says.
So now it is late and I have nothing left to give.  Sleep will come easily, I am sure.
The alarm will go off soon enough too.  After all, Ben has school at 7:45.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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