Moving too fast……

I feel like I am treading water but way too fast!  I am accomplishing tons, yet I am not getting anywhere!  I have so many calls to make tomorrow that I am not really sure if I can make them all.  I will however, try.  And the day will end after midnight as I will be picking Amanda up after 11.

What can a guy do?  Just keep at it is my plan.  I am still very tired and I have moved some things away from the day tomorrow, but I have my doubts.  I plan on starting early though, and should make a good dent (if there is such a thing) on all of it.

The best news is that the plumbers should be completed tomorrow!!!  Not that I will enjoy writing them a check, but it will be nice for them to move to other jobs and it will be nice for us to get back to our normal lives.  I will say however, if you EVER need a plumber, Paul Delmolino and his crew are really the best plumbers I have ever worked with.  I really do like them, although I hope to not need them again until the next remodeling thing.  But they were rated very high on Angie’s List and will be getting another high rating from me.  Honestly, they are all great guys and I will miss chatting with them.

So here on my last night of freedom I have decided to get all crazy and GO TO BED.  I know, don’t hurt yourself Tom.  But the days are running together right now and Easter is still right around the corner.  I need to make sure that I at least make it!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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